I am very much looking forward to 11 Women of Spirit, a mini-art fair at Zürcher Gallery, 11 female artists representing themselves in the space. I will be showing recent Karstic-Action paintings.
Opening Reception: Monday, March 2, 6 – 8 PM
Closing Reception: Sunday, March 8, 5-7 PM
Open to the Public:
Tuesday, March 3- Saturday, March 7: 12-8pm
Sunday, March 8: 12 – 7pm
33 Bleecker Street, New-York, NY.
Below, the video documentation & above, two paintings of our latest Karstic-Action at The Lace Mill in Kingston N.Y. Together with Michael Bisio (bass), Patrick Higgings (guitar & electronics), Pierre Joris (poetry), we wove, carved, painted, played, occupied, sung, worded , danced a 50-minute improvised action.
Voilà! I am looking forward to see you in March and together let’s Persist Resist & Care and keep our spirits up !