From June 4th — July 15, 2021 Galerie Simoncini —Luxembourg, presented the second extensive installment of Nicole Peyrafitte & Pierre Joris’ Domopoetics creations. The couple, who has shared life for three decades, moved in with their most recent KARSTIC ACTIONS/WORKS —paintings, texts, videos — & occupied the three levels of the gallery. — On the ground floor, the Karstic Refuge where their domestic & political processes interconnect & transform. — In the basement, the Sanctuary, neither holy nor secret, but table/altar for their intimate domopoetic works. — On the second floor, the Canopy, where the diversity & resilience of multi-species relations can be experienced. For the opening & the finissage live Karstic-Action performances were presented. Below are the two videos:
OPENING: Friday, June 4th at 6:00PM with an improvisation of Pascal Delalée on violin
FINISSAGE: July 15 2021 with Colin Toniello on keyboard
Hello everyone!
After a year & more sheltering at home in Brooklyn we are happy to head out to Europe, fully vaxxed, to pick up on gigs delayed by the pandemic. Four events are central, all taking place in Luxembourg:
1) our most recent KARSTIC ACTIONS/WORKS at Galerie Simoncini;
2) Pierre Receiving the Batty Weber Award;
3) the CNL celebrating his 75th birthday on 14 July (details to be announced)
4) the “finissage” of the KARSTIC ACTIONS/WORKS show on 15 July.
Voilà! Details below & looking forward to reconnect other that virtually.
1). Nicole Peyrafitte & Pierre Joris ACTIONS/TRAVAUX KARSTIQUES
June 4th — July 15, 2021 Opening with a Performance Action on Friday, June 4th at 6:00PM
This exhibition/performance of paintings, texts, videos will occupy the gallery’s three levels:
—Sanctuaire/Sanctuary: basement
—Abri/Shelter: street level
—Canopy/Canopée : upper floor Galerie Simoncini 6, Rue Notre Dame, Luxembourg.
For more details on this see: Communiqué de Presse Press Release
2) Just before the KARSTIC ACTIONS/WORKS, exhibition/performance, a long-delayed (because of covid) event will take place on 1 June: Pierre will receive the Batty Weber Prize (Luxembourg’s life-time achievement award in literature). The ceremony will take place at 7 p.m. at the CNL (Centre National de Littérature) in Mersch in the presence of Minister of Culture, Sam Tanson & the director of the CNL, Nathalie Jacoby. A laudatio will be read by Jean Portante, celebratory poems sung by Nicole Peyrafitte accompanied by Pascal Delalée on violin, & Pierre will read the essay he wrote for the occasion & which will be available as a pamphlet from the CNL (Various Variable Words Variably Arranged in the Form of a Celebratory Talk-Essay on Language & Luxembourg).
3) We’ll be back in Mersch on July 14 as the CNL has proposed to celebrate Pierre’s 75th birthday by creating an event that will include poetry readings & performances by Nicole & some others of our friends, a public interview of PJ by Florent Toniello for a future book, and more. Details to be announced.
4) Finally on 15 July, the finissage will happen at the galerie Simoncini, possibly with a final performance as we take down the paintings, pack the videos & get ready to return to Brooklyn.
Other news: Nicole’s —“Karstic-Action Je me dé-suffit/ Dé-suffice“: Official Selection of the 9th International Video Poetry Festival. The premiere of the festival will be on Sunday June 6th & will accessible to everyone in the entire world in the Video Art Zone 2021 section. —Things Fall Where They Lie /Les Choses Tombent où Elles Reposent:
is now available on VOD to rent/buy English subtitles / Sous-titres Français
—The Museum of the Women Library in Glasgow acquired the painting Nicole made during our performance at the CCA on 5th October 2016 as part of the Outside-In / Inside-Out poetry festival and symposium held in Glasgow and here it is
—Karstic Actions featured in Periodico de Poesia UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
upcoming online events include:
— Workshop “Celan übersetzen” (FU Berlin, Literarisches Kolloquium Berlin), 14.-15. Juni 2021. This will be a zoom occasion. DTBA
— A Claude Pélieu Symposium in Paris to be held at the University of Chicago Center Paris, On 8/9 July. Still uncertain if this will be live or zoom. DTBA.
— Pierre’s two 2020 Celan books, Paul Celan: Microliths (Posthumous prose) (CMP) & Paul Celan: Memory Rose into Threshold Speech — Collected Earlier Poetry (FSG) have garnered quite some reviews. Here are links to some of these:
From “Carnet 2,” Nicole Peyrafitte, Redfoxpress (Ireland), August 2018
The summer is winding down & we sure had a busy & productive one (see details below).
We are looking forward to reconnect with you all & we have events & books coming out !
Meanwhile wishing you a beautiful fall.
Nicole & Pierre
SEPTEMBER: Pierre Joris Tuesday, September 11 | 7:30 pm-8:45 pm Not Invisible Today: Winners of PEN Translation Prizes WORD Bookstore, 126 Franklin St. Brooklyn, NY 11222 Meet the translators behind prize-winning translations. Sponsored by PEN America’s Translation Committee and moderated by Committee member Jonathan Cohen, this program showcases three translators talking about translation and reading from their works. We will hear from Pierre Joris, 2005 Poetry in Translation Award winner for Lightduress (Paul Celan); Tess Lewis, 2017 PEN Translation Prize winner for her translation from German of Angel of Oblivion (Maja Haderlap); and Sandra Smith, 2007 PEN Translation Prize winner for Suite Française (Irène Némirovsky).
Nicole Peyrafitte Friday, September 21 5-7pm
Book signing CARNET 2(Redfoxpress, Ireland) NY Art Book Fair @ MoMA PS1
22-25 Jackson Ave, Long Island City, NY 11101
also available online / en vente ici
Pierre Joris Thursday, September 20| 7:30 pm With Pierre’s Words UAlbany Performing Arts Center, 1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12222 Pierre & the Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company perform ”With Pierre’s Words” with music composed by Joel Chadabi, as part of the College of Arts and Sciences 25th anniversary celebration.
Pierre Joris Sunday, September 30 | 7-9 pm
Reading for International Translation Day KGB Bar, 85 East 4th St NYC 10003 Pierre Joris reads extracts from his translation of Safaa Fathy’s “Revolution goes through Walls”(SplitlevelTexts 2018).
OCTOBER: Pierre Joris & Richard Sieburth Monday, October 1, 6:30-7:30 p.m. The Imagination of Henri Michaux Albertine bookstore, 972 5th Ave, New York, NY 10075 Join Richard Sieburth & Pierre Joris as they discuss Sieburth‘s new translation of Henri Michaux’s “A Certain Plume” (NYRB).
Pierre Joris Thursday, October 4 – Friday, October 5
Symposium on “Ethnopoetics” UCSD, 9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla, CA 92093
Details to be announced.
Joris/Peyrafitte & … Saturday, October 20 4pm
Poetry & music in tribute to Gerrit Lansing The Lace Mill, 165 Cornell St, Kingston, NY 12401
with Michael Bisio, bass
Don Byrd, Pierre Joris, Robert Kelly, Chuck Stein, George Quasha, Tamas Panitz, T. Urayoan Noel
NOVEMBER: Nicole Peyrafitte Wednesday, November 14 8pm Trickster Feminism with Anne Waldman & Friends
The Poetry Project, New York This event will highlight Anne Waldman’s new book Trickster Feminism, Penguin, 2018. With musicians, vocalists: Fast Speaking Music (Devin Brahja Waldman and Ambrose Bye) with special guests: Melanie Dyer, Janice Lowe, Thurston Moore, and the premiere of a short video “Crepuscular” by No Land, 2018.
Nicole Peyrafitte: LANDSC0PE, Éditions Plaine Page, June 2018
U.S book release TBA / disponible chez votre libraire et/ou en vente ici CARNET 2, an artist book by Redfoxpress, Ireland, August 2018.
also available online / en vente ici
Pierre Joris: Stations d’al-Hallaj, translated by Habib Tengour, Apic Editions, Algiers, 2018
Safaa Fathy, Revolution Goes Through Walls, translated by Pierre Joris with Safaa Fathy, SplitLevel, 2018
Forthcoming later this year: Adonis & Pierre Joris: Conversations in the Pyrenees, Contra Mundum Press, 2018
Paul Celan, Microliths(Posthumous prose) translated by Pierre Joris, attem-verlag, 2018
Pierre Joris at Black Mountain Ghost Jam May 2018.
Pierre Joris, with Nicole Peyrafitte and Camilla Nelson. Filmed by Penny Hallas with iphone-recorded soundtrack by Sarah Rhys. Projected films by Penny Hallas, projected still images arranged by Allen Fisher. Recorded sounds by Lyndon Davies.