AOOA Farm Residency – Report

AOOA Farm Residency – Report

Unfortunately, the residency at All One One All Farm is ending. Sunday, September 21st was the opening of the Artists in Residence Exhibition. I will post more on that, but let’s start the 3-minute time-lapsed video of the 10-minute Karstic-Action AOOA Live Painting.
Thank you to everyone involved, specifically Alix Daguin & Ariane Daguin, for allowing me to play with all my artistic passions. Thank you to the staff at the farm who have been so gracious. Thank you to my fellow residents artist Eileen MacAvery Kane & Jenny Torino, who have been supportive & so much fun to hang out with & collaborate on setting up the exhibition. Thank you to all who came. Thank you to Rachel Hahn, whose assistance, conducting, filming and so many other steps they accomplished with the utmost seriousness and graciousness made it all possible & as always Pierre Joris who is always by my side! Enjoy the video as much as I did!

AOOA Farm Residency – Report #4

I will post more soon but here is the video of the Karstic-Action AOOA v



AOOA Farm Residency – Report #3


The produce is bountiful & the Friday night happy hour featuring tasty cocktails & menu is picking up some serious steam. On July 5,  I hosted the Open-mic and it was heart-warming to see the locals diving into the excitement. Check out the schedule as there is music every Friday from 5-7 PM.

On Saturday morning I went to visit team AOOA at the Goshen farmers market. On her way to the market, Alix saw a bird in distress but as she was in a rush to open the stand she couldn’t stop then so while I was there she asked me if we could go back together to see if the bird was there. She remembered well the location and we had no trouble finding the baby Red-tail hawk that must have fallen off the nest. He was a little feisty, but we scooped him gently & placed him in a box.  A Market vendor familiar with rescuing all sorts of animals brought it to a vet. The latest report I got is that the birdie was just in shock, he just needed to be fed before being released.

Taking photos by the pond was also another beautiful moment, It took me a minute to be able to capture the magnificent Blue dasher (pachydiplex longipenis), they move quite fast…but I think I got it.

Another intense moment occurred in a field very close to the farm. I first noticed a couple of Turkey Vultures. I stopped as they were very close to the road cleaning up a fresh deer carcass. The smell was very strong, and more birds were flying around, I quickly noticed the presence of a couple of Black Vultures joining in the feeding. That got me very excited to see them all taking turns cleaning the carcass. Vultures are weirdly beautiful but the Black ones are stunning with their sooty black plumage & their black head.
And later on that afternoon I encountered a stunning American Goldfinch. I enjoyed processing all the photos and drawing them.

AOOA Farm Residency – Report #2


It was great fun teaching the emulsion workshop & all participants got to whip their own mayonnaise from scratch successfully! It was delicious & if you want to try to hand at it here is how to do it.

I also spent quite some time with the beautiful heritage roosters. After taking photos, & drawing one of them I wanted to know why the rooster ended up the “French emblem”. It all got recorded in my Leporello that will be on view at the AIR exhibition starting September 21st.

It is a funny idea, the rooster became the French emblem! This animal native to the forests of Southeast Asia was domesticated around 6000 years BC for the tasty flesh & eggs the hens provided. It would have been introduced into Europe – first in Greece and Italy – via Asia Minor around the 7th century BC. The rooster therefore does not have a single feather of Gallic origin!”
more pix here

AOOA Farm Residency – Report #1



It is a lot of fun to be artist one of the three artists in residence at AOOA farm in Goshen, N.Y. My colleagues are Eileen MacAvery and Jenny Torino. Our residencies will run through the summer. As for me, I will visit for 3 days every months. I was there in April for orientation day and just returned from my May visit. Before listing the fun I had here is the story and mission of AOOA: 

All For One One For All (AOOA) is a non-profit regenerative silvopasture farm, farm stand, distillery, and education center in New York’s Mid-Hudson Valley.

Founded in 2021 by Ariane Daguin and her daughter Alix Daguin, the name of the farm is inspired by the famous proclamation in Alexandre Dumas’ Three Musketeers (“All for one and one for all!”), which captures the heart of the project: to stand up for what is right and enrich the local community, together.

AOOA’s mission is to promote responsible agricultural and culinary practices as transformative tools for personal well-being, community prosperity, and global sustainability.

The Daguin & Peyrafitte families have a long history. We are all from Gascony; they are from the Pyrenean piedmont & we are from the high mountains region. Our fathers were close friends, colleagues, and truly formidable men. They both had many personal accomplishments but together they found an hotel chain in the 60’s (that was reabsorbed by Best Western in the 80’s) and they also promoted the cuisine of Southwest of France all over Europe. One a major event was to serve the first magret de canard to Paris diners! You can read the full story on my 2010 blog post Lou Magret goes to Paris but for one week they took over the the Eiffel tower fancy restaurant and served the terroir cuisine of the Southwest of France. So more anecdotes might be share later but for now here is the report of this 3 days. The link for the full photo gallery is here.

Thursday:— I set out for a walk around the farm to document birds & explore the grounds. I will post my ebird list in a few days
— Found Alix supervising half a dozen big task around the farm.
— Stop at the farm kitchen to find Ariane and working with the cooking staff (the farm staff has a gourmet café open Friday-Sunday) as they were prepping for the weekend menu. As my background is in food, I was happy to discuss (& taste) some recipe options with Ingrid & Sandra while Keith (farm stand manager) was busy setting up the new bar. Yes! Spirits & brandies are now hand-distilled in very small batches brewed by Ariane herself. I no longer imbibe but I can smell and they are fragrant. The list of cocktails is molto fun, and during the weekend people where raving about the Bloody mary made with the home brewed gin and the very surprising tomato water! Next time I will try a few as mocktails.— While walking around I met the gardeners Matt, farm Manager & Luke, regenerative farmer, they were carefully planting their seedlings.
— Continuing around there was Frank, a retiree who volunteers every week and helps where ever is needed. His wife joins him during the flower season. Today Frank was cleaning the bee hives meticulously. The bees put wax and propolis on everything so before reusing the boxes they need to be scraped then soak them with disinfectant to remove any mold or pathogens. Frank’s was very cordial & his life story compelling. He gave me permission to record him. I am planning to conduct interviews at every visit, but we will see how that progresses.

Friday:— Walked all around the property to document the birds. And spend time observing Tree-Swallows and House Wren that have adjacent nest boxes. (see photos)
— Meeting with Alix regarding the pricing & display of the limited print series I have created for the farm. Then we finalized the cooking/walk-shop I will offer on June 15.
— A good part of the afternoon was spent with Alix in company of the rams as they had to be moved to their summer pasture. That was quite a fun ordeal!
— Return to the farm for a delicious late lunch of eggs Benedict on bruschetta with a tarragon hollandaise & a crème caramel, all made on premises ça va sans dire!

Saturday:— Tour of the farm to document more birdies.
— It was a gourmand’s delight to document the chocolate workshop for kids by Maître Chocolatier Jacques Torrès assisted by his family. His spouse being also a Maître Chocolatier it was beautiful so watch the efficient flow on how they assisted each other; a very domopoetic action! I am not a chocolate crazy, but I must say these creations where delicious kids & parents had so much fun being walked thru making chocolate lollipops, pralines, mendiants. We had late lunch and I had the frittata, salad & a very decadent lemon-meringue pie with a mint jelly made by Ingrid the farm patissière.

— My last spin around the property was hanging out with the roosters as I plan to draw a roosters head as my next drawing project. This is a short recap and I will update. Below a few photos but here is the full album of my residency. 


The dates of my next residency will be June 14-17. Consider joining me on June 15th for:

A Nourishing Walk-Shop & Lunch

Reconnect with nature and take home resourceful tips for integrating simple, healthy recipes into your daily life. Lunch is included!

Join us for a healthy, replenishing walk and communal lunch. Reconnect with nature and take home resourceful tips for integrating simple, healthy recipes into your daily life.

We all aspire to restore our connection with nature and eat healthier food, but the speed and busyness of the daily grind seems to constantly interfere. Yet, there are always options to practice these deep connections, and this is what our time together will be about.

Our journey will start at the farm with a brief welcome, followed by a silent walk to tune, tone, and flow with the environment. Participants will immerse themselves fully in the present moment, capturing their impressions through photography, notes, drawings, and maybe spontaneous music.

We will return to the farm to prepare a simple, farm-fresh lunch of eggs mimosa (French deviled eggs), leafy green salad with AOOA rotisserie chicken, focaccia bread, berries and whipped cream, and an herbal libation.

You will even learn the secrets of making emulsions from scratch! We’ll make the mayonnaise for our deviled eggs, the vinaigrette for our salad, and the whipped cream for our dessert. 

We will allow time to regroup,  share our notes and observations, and set some small goals for ourselves.

Suggested materials and equipment to bring: Small notebook, something to write with, camera (your phone’s camera is acceptable), bag for collecting items, water bottle, bug repellent, and sunscreen.

Space is limited, please register in advance! 

About the Instructor: Nicole is a Pyrenean-born multidisciplinary artist whose practice is led by her passion for learning through immersion. Today her work focuses on Art’s Responsibility As Healing Practice. Whether through paintings, films, texts, nature photography, workshops, or cooking, her works serve to better understand the dynamic and symbiotic complexities of humans and other-than-humans. Nicole was an awarded chef as a young woman in France & taught cooking both at university & privately.

Register here

Looking forward to see you there!  & meanwhile splendid bird migration to you all!

Voilà! Live Cooking Videos – While confined

Voilà!  Live Cooking Videos – While confined

Friday April 24th was the finale our Live Cooking Videos—while confined. 
First and foremost THANK YOU to all the viewers, & a very special thank you to all the regulars from literally all around the globe. During these 24 daily livecast rendez-vous, you provided sustained warm & joyful support which gave me a some sense of purpose in these trying times while we are all confined, waiting for the virus to pass.
By now, sadly most of us know someone who has succumbed to the coronavirus, and we are also all watching — or no longer watching in order to stay sane — the ineffective & disgusting political debacle. Even if most of us are safely at home, and in a somehow privileged situation — I sure feel mine is that — we still all go through the emotional roller coaster, so if the show helped make your ride smoother, I am super happy. You need to know that it sure eased mine tremendously, so gratitude to you all for watching & cheering! I really know that I also learned a lot from the whole process.
Do not hesitate to reach out via messenger at any point if you have cooking questions of just want to keep in touch; I would love that!
Meanwhile, stay healthy, take great great care & eat the best you can.
Much much love from the two of us.

P.S: The videos of all 24 videos from the last to the first below & they all have notes & links with useful information. Below the videos more cooking background info.

What do we eat/cook & why?
A few years back for serious health reasons we switched to healthier, low glycemic foods & adopted the 16/8 intermittent fasting method that involves eating only during an 8-hour window & fasting for the remaining 16 hours. So we eat a variety of foods but avoid pasta, rice, potatoes, sugar, processed flour & we favor veggies, legumes, eggs, healthy whole grains, & responsibly raised meat, poultry, & seafood, some fruits…Well, you get the idea & you will discover the details in the videos below. We will keep adding them as we go. Never hesitate to ask questions or request foods recipes you would like to see demonstrated or talked about.

Voilà! Bon Appétit, stay home & healthy!

01 — Today homemade Soup & Granola
02 — Shrimp Saffron Cream sauce with Swiss Chards
03 — Falafel, Hummus, Coleslaw all from scratch all super healthy!

04 — Omelet
05 — Veggie Soup, Dairy free delicious dessert, 

06 — Bacalao and Ayacotl.
07 — Nested Eggs & Baked Apples
08 — Grated carrots & Kimchee Miso soup & left over of Bacalao & Ayacotl (White beans salad) 

09 — Poached Eggs & Beet salad w/ Goat cheese & Walnuts.
10 — Sardines Tartine + Quinoa patties
11 — Quick Lentil stew, Soup made with left-overs, Lamb tacos with homemade tortillas.
12 — Choux-Fleur Bechamel
13 — Our Anniversary Lunch, with Poulet confit & a scrumptious Sabayon!

14 — Œufs cocotte & Bok Choy & Poetry(2 videos)
15 — Monk Fish Curry & Manoomin (real wild rice)
16 — Croque Saumon, more Coleslaw, poached Pears. (2 videos)
17 — Oeuf Mimosa /Deviled Eggs and more
18 — Tofu Joyeux but firm! More Wild Rice & Elegant Orange Salad.
19 — Sweet & Savory Crêpes (2 videos)

20 — Chocolate dairy/sugar free dessert. Baked sweet Potatoes another Coleslaw & Oeufs aux plat.21 — Homemade Sausage from scratch )  & Soldier  Beans
22 — Œufs brouillés with Morels & Ramps for Earth day & quick made Oat Milk for an impro dessert.

23 — The Ancient Grain of the day is: Purple Barley.
24 — Season finale! Gromperen Pla à la LuxoGascoRicaine & Healthy Apple Fritters.

“Voilà Lunchtime” were daily live-casted on FB & IG from March 24 -April 24 2020 M-F 12:00 EST


A little background:

Once upon a time I was a cook! I never liked the term chef, though I did run kitchens & was called one! I never really missed the restaurant business, but never stopped cooking. In the early years of this blog I posted more recipes & articles on food, I taught cooking & went as far as taping a demo cooking show, and filming several recipes.  My aim has always been to empower people in the kitchen, not to impress them. I appreciate sophisticated techniques & truly enjoys highly skilled chefs but I was never into that kind of cooking.  My background is in French regional Southwestern food but I have been in the US since 1987 and learned so much about food here. Getting together with Pierre Joris (here producer/dishwasher/husband) in 1989 was crucial for my artistic future but also for my cooking experience: it is through Pierre that I met Diane Rothenberg & Margie Byrd who are my mentors in many ways. Both are great cooks and had open tables for many years. Diane, an anthropologist, tremendously expanded my perspectives on the history of food; Margie taught me many American staples — the best corn bread ever! & then there is my childhood friend Ariane Daguin from d’Artagnan who is an inspiration has been incredibly supportive of my food related performance work. She was an early supporter of La Garbure Transcontinentale/The Bi-Continental Chowder, a performance that included texts, videos, cooking and sharing the result with the audience. Pierre & I went on doing more of these performance & a memorable one was at the Jardin des Cinq Sens et des Formes Premières in Provence; this performance included the making of a Primordial Soup, readings, vidéos, music by Denis Brun and a Karstic-Action Painting. Here are some pix.

But my cooking debut were really early! I was born in Luchon (French Pyrenees) into the 5th generation of a family of hoteliers-restaurateurs (Hotel Poste et Golf) & my very early cooking training started when I was 6 years old with my grand-father chef Joseph Peyrafitte (whose father Louis was also a chef). Later, when I took over the family kitchen, I went to intern at award winning restaurants in France –1982: Restaurant Vanel, Toulouse, 1991: Hotel de France, Auch. Both places had 2 stars at the Michelin Guide  — then I got a few awards myself!

Anyway! forwarding to today: like everyone else we are trying to make the best of this imposed confinement & I always find solace in cooking & eating well.  So Pierre & I decided to share the prepping of our simple & healthy home cooking live. We are live both on Facebook & Instagram Monday-Friday from 12 to 12:30 —sometimes a bit longer.  Sharing & live-casting our cooking is really in line with our Domopoetic* practice.

* Domopoetics is our collaborative attempt to think, feel & make us respons/able to this/our world & it responsive to us. We do this via our private lives & public actions & performances that meander dialogically between Nicole Peyrafitte’s drawings & videos, voice-, textual & cooking work & Pierre Joris’ poems, translations & essayistic thinking.


Sitting next to a chaud-froid de volaille at the hotel Kitchen

Hotel Poste & Golf Bagnères-de-Luchon (here circa 1965)

My grand-pa Chef Joseph Peyrafitte

San-Diego 1990 : Nicole, Pierre Franey, Ariane Daguin

Award 1981

Award 1982

Occitan Trobadors in NYC: a Symposium, a Banquet, a Performance

Occitan Trobadors in NYC: a Symposium, a Banquet, a Performance


On Saturday, November 23, Poets House, in partnership with City Lore and NY’OC Trobadors, hosts a landmark symposium celebrating and bringing the riches of southern French poetry and culture to the American public. The symposium gathers international and local poets, artists, scholars, and performers to share the fascinating history of the region and bring to life the songs of troubadours past and present in the endangered lenga d’òc (Occitan language). Chef and foodie favorite Ariane Daguin, owner of gourmet purveyor D’Artagnan, will host a reservation-only Gascon Buffet with a short historic overview of Occitan cuisine and cooking demonstration. The evening will culminate in a music and poetry performance featuring accomplished bicontinental artists Joan Francés Tisnèr (project director), Jakes Aymonino, Domenja Lekuona, Pierre Joris, and Nicole Peyrafitte. Other presenters include New York University scholars Deborah Kapchan, Sarah Kay and Richard Sieburth, and director of Fondacion Occitània Alem Surre-Garcia.

The 11th century trobadors and trobairitz of Occitania, a region spanning the entire southern half of France (Bearn, Languedoc, Auvergne, Limousin, Provence) and encompassing the Occitan Valleys in the Italian Alps and the Aran Valley in the Spanish Pyrenees, have long inspired American poets, most notably Ezra Pound, with their lyrical, secular, and often subversive verse-commentary on the culture, politics, and love affairs of their time. Mythologized as wandering mystics, these professional poets set the stage for everything from poetic forms like the cantata and sestina to the passionate and carefully-wrought works of Joan Baez and Bob Dylan to Top 40 love songs. The Trobadors symposium celebrates and bears witness to a millennium of Occitan culture and influence around the globe.

Symposium Schedule
Opening Remarks: Richard Sieburth
2:00–3:30 PM: Topologies of Occitan Language & Culture
Languages & their Territories with Nicole Peyrafitte, Domenja Lekuona, Alem Surre-Garcia; Occitan & the Orient with Deborah Kapchan; Participatory Introduction to Occitan Language & Songs with Joan Francés Tisnèr

4:00–5:30 PM Occitan Literature Through the Ages:
Troubadour Poetry: The Classical Moment with Richard Sieburth; Occitan Literature: The Middle Ages with Sarah Kay; Occitan Poetry: The 20th Century & Beyond with Pierre Joris & Alem Surre-Garcia

5:30–7:00 PM: Gascon Dinner with Ariane Daguin and D’Artagnan (Space is limited: Reservations Required)
Buffet Gascon offered by gourmet purveyor D’Artagnan, with short historic overview of Occitan food and cooking demonstration by Ariane Daguin and Nicole Peyrafitte. Gascony is a region in Occitania known for its “sweetness of life” and is home to foie gras and Armagnac brandy.

Dinner admission (includes evening performance): $25 per person.
Reservations REQUIRED!
 please contact Joe Fritsch at (212) 431-7920 x 2832 or [email protected].

7:00–9:00 PM: NY’OC Trobadors Multimedia Performance
Journey through a millennium of Occitan culture in music, images, and bilingual poetry. With Joan Francés Tisnèr, Jakes Aymonino, Domenja Lekuona, Pierre Joris, and Nicole Peyrafitte.

EVENT SPONSORED BY: Poets House   & City Lore
D’artagnan, Région Aquitaine, Cirdoc, InÒc, DRAC, CG64, Ville de Pau Produceurs: Lo NAu (Occitania), Ta’wil Productions (USA)

Additional donnors:
André Spears & Anne Rosen, Margo & Anthony Viscusi, Jason Wise, anonymous

– See more at:

En Route Again!

En Route Again!

at The Taste of france

The picture above was taken on September 28-29 at The Taste of France where I had the pleasure of MC’ing the main stage for the entire weekend. The event took place at Bryant Park in NYC & one of my favorite moment was to be on stage with my occitan acolytes: Ariane Daguin (d’Artagnan) & Pierre Landet (Executive chef at Chez Felix, in NYC). Here is Ariane showing  an aiguillette de canard, or the little tenderloin part found on top of the magret de canard that you’ll never find on your plate because it’s the cook who always eats it!

Throughout the weekend many artists & chefs were featured on stage, among them Julie Andrieux (Les Carnets de Julie), an important delegation of the Maîtres Cuisiniers de France, The Metropolitan Opera singers & their director Peter Gelb.  I want to thank Abby & Guy René from the New England Culinary Institute in Montpelier, Vermont, without whom the cooking demos & tasting could not have happened so smoothly; also, a big thank you to the volunteers & a special mention to Alexis!

Voilà, we can move on to the next events & that will be a reading at The Shed Space in Brooklyn on Thursday — & Friday we are off to our old stomping ground in Southern California for two weeks! Check out details below .

Photo Pauline Catherinotphoto Pauline Catherinot

Nov 23
A Symposium on Occitan Poetry
Poets House
Full brochure here

Past Events:Many Videos of Nicole Peyrafitte at the Festival des Voix Vives, Sète – France, July 2013.

Photos of NY’OC Trobadors Residency in Béarn

Video of Pierre Joris reading at DIA Foundation, 8 April 2013.

Video of Pierre Joris reading at Whitman’s Birth Place, 6 April 2013.

NP modeling for plurifonctionel Montreuil artist Touta Bakouche

Photos by poet/blogger Pauline Cathrinot

NY’OC Trobadors residence in Béarn
more pix here

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Pierre on Twitter
Nicole on Twitter
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After a great summer filled with many exciting events (see sidebar for links & pix) voilà our fall schedule. We are hoping to see many of you here or there! Keep in touch.— Pierre & Nicole

Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 September
Manhattan, NY
Nicole Peyrafitte will be the MC at Taste of France. Yes! Come to France by subway! Come to Bryant Park this weekend, the French are taking over! Many cooking demos, music & even diplomacy since The French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Laurent Fabius, has been announced!

Monday September 30  5:00 – 7PM
Manhattan, NY
Pierre Joris & Nicole Peyrafitte present: The Making of The University of California Book of North African Literature: Poems for the Millennium Vol.4
NYU – Hagop Kevorkian Center, 255 Sullivan Street (at Washington Square South) NYC.

Thursday October 10  8:00PM
Brooklyn, NY
Nicole Peyrafitte reading at The Shed Space with Kimberly Lyons & Nada Gordon
366 6th Street, Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY.

Tuesday October 15  3:00 – 7:00PM
Los Angeles, CA
Pierre Joris talk & reading at USC Dornsife Department of English
Ide Memorial Common Room, THH 420
3501 Trousdale Parkway
Taper Hall of Humanities 404 -University Park
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0354

Wednesday October 16  7:30PM
Los Angeles, CA
Pierre Joris poetry reading at Otis College of Arts & Design
Ahmanson Hall Forum
9045 Lincoln Blvd L.A. 90045

Thursday October 17 10AM-1PM
Los Angeles, CA
Pierre Joris presents Poems for the Millennium Vol.4 : The University of California Book of North African Literature at USC Dornsife (w/ NP multimedia presentation & readings)
Table ronde moderated by Olivia Harrison with Guy Bennet, Teresa Villa Ignacio & Kenza Sefrioui. Details here

Wednesday October 23 4:30PM
San Diego, CA
Pierre Joris & Nicole Peyrafitte present Domopoetics at UC San Diego.
SME Performance Space Room. Details here

Thursday October 26 8:00PM
Brooklyn, NY
Pierre Joris at World Series Poetry & Music Spectacular
Unnameable Books, 600 Vanderbilt Ave., Brooklyn.

Saturday October 26 4:00-6:00 PM
Brooklyn, NY
Pierre Joris reads at “Come Together: Surviving Sandy” Dedalus Foundation & Brooklyn Rail Reading
Industry City (Sunset Park, Brooklyn)

Thursday & Friday 8 November  
Brussels, Belgium
Keynote lecture & reading by Pierre Joris; poetry reading & performance by Nicole Peyrafitte.
Moving Back and Forth between Poetry and / as Translation: Nomadic Travels and Travails with Alice Notley and Pierre Joris
Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Saturday November 23  2:00 – 9:00PM
Manhattan, NY
A Symposium on Occitan Poetry, Lectures, Gascon Dinner & NY’OC Trobadors Performance, with Jakes Aymonino, Pierre Joris, Deborah Kapchan, Sarah Kay, Domenja Lekuona, Nicole Peyrafitte, Richard Sieburth, Alem Surre-Garcia, Joan Francés Tisnèr. Full brochure here
Poets House, 10 River Terrace (at Murray Street), NYC 10282.

Monday December 2  8:00PM
Philadelphia, PA
Pierre Joris & Nicole Peyrafitte Reading
Plays and Players Social Club
1714 Delancey Pl, Philadelphia

Tuesday December 3  6PM
Philadelphia, PA
Pierre Joris at the Kelly Writer’s House: The Holocaust Experience in the Poetry of Paul Celan
3805 Locust walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104
tel: 215-746-POEM

Tuesday December 3  6PM
Pierre Joris presents Poems for the Millennium Vol.4 : The University of California Book of North African Literature
(w/ NP multimedia presentation & readings)
Villanova University
800 E. Lancaster Avenue
Villanova, PA 19085

Wednesday December 11  
Pierre Joris reading at Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 43022

& Fresh from the presses:
by Nicole Peyrafitte:

Bi-Valve: Vulvic Space | Vulvic Knowledge
Publisher: Stockport Flats
Available here

by Pierre Joris:

Meditations on the Stations of Mansur AL-Hallaj
Publisher: Chax Press
Available here

Copyright © 2013 Joris/Peyrafitte, All rights reserved.