Tuning, Toning, Flowing at Socrates Sculpture Park

Tuning, Toning, Flowing at Socrates Sculpture Park

Event’s photo documentation:  here

Join us in a free, collaborative performance led by artists Betsy Damon, Mary Mattingly, & Nicole Peyrafitte
around Mattingly’s sculpture Ebb of a Spring Tide at Socrates Sculpture Park.

  Socrates Sculpture Park
34-32 Vernon Boulevard
Queens, NY, 11106 (map)

Mary Mattingly’s Ebb of a Spring Tide, at Socrates until September 10.


About Ebb of a Spring Tide

Ebb of a Spring Tide is an exhibition of new sculptural works by Mary Mattingly exploring our relationship to coastal ecosystems and the shifting nature of rivers and water lines. The exhibition is on view until September 10, 2023.

Ebb of a Spring Tide features a 65-foot living sculpture titled Water Clock that is fabricated on-site in response to the Park’s unique waterfront location along the East River. This monumental, scaffold structure, which includes edible vegetation, mirrors the cityscape across the East River, highlighting the human impact on New York City’s riparian zone. The clock’s pulse will be kept by water from the East River moving through tubes on the structure, a reminder of a life support system and the delicate balance of coastal ecosystems.

Documentation of the event:


FREEE for Woman-Life-Freedom

FREEE  for  Woman-Life-Freedom
          This Karstic-action piece is in solidarity with the Women of Iran. I am deeply inspired by their antediluvian strength resurfacing with force & clarity in their courageous actions.
          The text I wrote & that plays over the video (with music by Miles Joris-Peyrafitte) is loosely based on a Hymn to Inanna attributed to the Mesopotamian poet Enheduanna, the earliest known named author in world history —c.23rd century BCE —.
         Thank you to Sepideh Jodeyri for your activism & relentless work on relaying our support to our Iranian sisters. You prompted this action painting and I am so grateful you did.
            May freedom & peace prevail.

Text/ Action/ Video/Editing: Nicole Peyrafitte
Farsi translation : Sepideh Jodeyri
Music: Miles Joris-Peyrafitte
Length: 1:46mn

Filmed in my studio in Brooklyn, NY on October 20, 2022


Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! Women of Iran
Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! Women of Iran
ante diluvian women
fighting for you rights inscribed in the Mes
our influence is mighty
your roaring makes the world tremble
your courage rings around the earth
your persistence is formidable 
all of you Enheduanna
all of you high priestesses of freedom
I deeply admire you
you exercise full ladyship over heaven and earth
let me praise your ways
let me praise your greatness
let’s call on Innana goddess of heaven & earth  to power your quest
may a whirlwind of freedom be the only mandatory garment on your hair
don’t be tired sisters
don’t be tired sisters
Khasteh nabâshid
Khasteh nabâshid

آه، آه، ای زنان ایران!

زنانِ باستان!

ستیزِ بر حقِ‌ شما نقش می‌زند بر کتیبه‌ها 

با اثری شگرف

و غرّشی رعشه‌افکن در جهان

تهورتان گِرداگِردِ زمین پُرطنین 

استقامت‌تان اِعجاب‌افزا

شما همه انهدوانا

همه کاهنانِ عالی مقامِ آزادی

من همه مدح و ثنا

شما الهام‌بخش

شما حد اعلای زن بودگی بر زمین و در آسمان‌ها

بگذارید مدّاحِ راه‌تان باشم

بگذارید ثنا‌گوی شوکت‌تان

بادا که اینانا، خداوندگارِ زمین و آسمان‌ها بخشد نیرویتان 

بادا که گردبادِ آزادی

تنها پوشاکِ اجباری بر گیسوی‌تان 

خسته نباشید خواهران

خسته نباشید خواهران

خسته نباشید!

خسته نباشید!



Podcast Interview & Link

Podcast Interview & Link

          From June 4th- August 26 I was very honored to be part of the exhibition Women and Other Wild Creatures: Matrilineal Tales along with Zinaida (Ukraine), Kateryna Babkina (Ukraine), Iryna Maksymova (Ukraine), Rita Maikova (Ukraine), Aya Shalkar (Kazakhstan/US), Yerke Abuova (Kazakhstan/US), and Susan Coyne (US) at Sapar Contemporary in New York City.

         I deeply thank Nina Levent, curator & gallery director & her team, Joelle Araujo, galerie manager & all the interns for this nurturing & creative experience. 

         There is more info on my piece “Antediluvian Sympoiesis” here

         Many thanks to Bernardine who came to visit the show &  gave me the opportunity to talk about my work on her podcast “Beyond the Paint”. If you listen, please do not hesitate to review & comment!

         Meanwhile, may you all be well & have a glorious end of summer, and get the latest on:





Women and Other Wild Creatures: Matrilineal Tales

Women and Other Wild Creatures: Matrilineal Tales


I am thrilled to be included in this wonderful group show at Sapar Contemporary.
Women and Other Wild Creatures: Matrilineal Tales
June 3, 2022- July 15, 2022  —extended to August 26
Opening reception Friday June 3, 6-8pm

Yes! that is tomorrow! — or today if you open this in the morning!
So much looking looking forward to see you; it’s been too long!

Zinaida (Ukraine), Iryna Maksymova (Ukraine), Rita Maikova (Ukraine),
Kateryna Babkina (Ukraine), Aya Shalkar (Kazakhstan/US),Yerke Abuova (Kazakhstan/US),
Nicole Peyrafitte (France/US) and Susan Coyne (US).

Curated by Nina Levent, Ph.D.

June 3, 2022- July 15, 2022
Opening reception on June 3, 6-8pm

Featuring installation + Video Antediluvian Sympoiesis
pdf of installation: here

Sapar Contemporary is thrilled to present Women and Other Wild Creatures: Matrilineal Tales, a group exhibition of women artists who draw strength from the connection with the non-human nature, involving it in their healing practices and increasingly fantastical visions of human unity with nature. The show includes artists from Ukraine (Zinaida, Rita Maikova, Iryna Maksymova, poet Kateryna Babkina) and Kazakhstan (Aya Shalkar and Yerke Abuova), representing the gallery’s DNA, as well as works by French (Nicole Peyrafitte) and American (Susan Coyne) artist.

The inspiration for the exhibition came from seeing intergenerational caravans of grandmothers, mothers, daughters, and family pets migrating from the war zones, as well as the images of nature’s destruction in Ukraine: suffering trees, plants, animals of all kinds, and the whole steppe and wetland ecosystems – in addition to cultivated land. These images have been deeply felt at the gallery whose founders have family, friends, artists, and roots in Ukraine. The sense of terror brought to mind sources of strength available to women, connections that they forge across time and space, rituals recovered and re-invented in times of cataclysms. Ukrainian poet, Kateryna Babkina, contributed a poem she has written in March 2022, which was translated in English by Virlana Tkacz and Wanda Phipps for the exhibition. The poem opens with a line: Give me a brother who can protect me; woman is seeking protector and shelter, the sky responds with the final line of the poem: Make it yourself. You are on your own.