Sweet Sweet Muffins (No Sugar, No Wheat)

Sweet Sweet Muffins (No Sugar, No Wheat)

muffinpansFor Marge Byrd who taught me how to bake the American way.
Above: the apron top she stitched for me in 1993! 

Following a low-glycemic, no sugar diet doesn’t mean you have to eat boring foods…au contraire! If both Pierre and I have been successfully keeping up with this way of eating it is because there are actually plenty of other choices. It is all about using different ingredients & learning how to use them. This muffins recipe—& the Mooch-O-colat too— are good examples how it can be done. It took me a while to figure it out — but Voilà! le result is yummy! Can be served for brunch or dessert or any thing else you can imagine! Below are pictures of the some possible combinations.


for 12 Cast Iron Cookware Muffin Pan
(note to my friend Don Byrd: They are Lodge’s cast iron pans & I found them on Amazon)
Preheat oven 375 degres
Cooking : 30 minutes.

In the blender add :
1/2 a green apple with the skin,
1/2 lb silk tofu,
1/4 cup coconut oil,
1/4 tsp stevia, ( this is the brand I like to use)
1/2 vanilla bean (inside scraped),
1 cup cashew milk (any almond, soy, rice milk will do just make sure they have NO sugar added),
1 pinch of salt,
1 beaten egg at the end & mix it by hand.

In a large bowl combine :
1/4 cup buckwheat flour,
1/4 cup teff flour,
(can be substituted for buckwheat tho I really like the crunchy taste of it. I do buy the regular teff & then grind it myself in the coffee grinder),
1/2 cup coconut flour,
1/2 cup oat bran,
1 grated lemon,
1 grated orange
1 tsp baking powder.

Incorporate the blender’s  liquid content into the dry ingredient bowl. Mix gently but thoroughly. Grease your muffin pans generously with coconut oil. Fill the molds & bake for 30 minutes at 350°. You can also bake this batter in a cast iron pan and then slice it as you see below.

Sweet sweet muffins w/ sunny side eggs, raw kale salad, red berry chia jam. Muffins, oeufs au plat, salade de choux frisée crue, confiture de baie aux graines de chia

Suive un régime pauvre en glucides et sans sucre ne doit pas être ennuyeux , au contraire! Et si avec Pierre nous arrivons à le suivre sans difficultés c’est par ce que: 1) c’est bon et 2) il y a beaucoup de choix, seulement voilà — il m’a fallu les trouver! La recette d’aujourd’hui — comme celle du blog précédent, la Mooch-O-colat  — en sont deux très bon exemples. J’ai toujours beaucoup aimé les muffins et ça m’a pris quelque temps à créer une recette pauvre en glucides et sans sucre ajouté qui plaisait à tous. Voilà le résultat et vous allez vous régaler!

Chauffer le four  à 200 degrés. Cuisson : 30 minutes

Dans le mixer ajouter:
1/2 pomme verte avec la peau,
250gr de tofu soyeux,
80ml d’huile de noix de coco,
1/4 de cuillère à café de stevia,
1/2 gousse de vanille,
1 tasse de lait de noix de cajou (ou bien utiliser du lait d’amande, de soja, de riz sans sucre ajouté),
1 pincée de sel,
1 oeuf battu et le mélanger à la main à la fin.

Dans un grand bowl ajouter:
25gr de farine de sarrasin,
25gr tasse de farine de teff,
(peut être remplacer par plus de sarrasin mais le teff apporte une texture agréable. J’achète les graines de teff entières et les passe au moulin à café),
55 gr de farine de noix de coco,
75 gr de son d’avoine,
1 citron (zestes seulement),
1 orange (zestes seulement),
1 c. à café de levure chimique.

Incorporer les ingrédients liquides du mixer dans le bol des ingrédients secs. Bien mélanger. Graisser les moules généreusement avec de l’huile de noix de coco. Les remplir et cuire à four chaud pour 30 minutes. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser une poêle en fonte ou un moule à gâteau.

Sweet sweet muffins with goat yogurt sauce (cinnamon, stevia), seeds & fresh or frozen wild berries.

Muffins avec yaourt de chèvre parfumé à la stevia et à la cannelle, myrtilles fraîches ou congelées, graines grillées.


Our Inauguration LG Extravaganzas

Our Inauguration LG Extravaganzas


Celebrating the second inauguration of our 44th President, Barack Obama, requires some festive foods. Our menu might not be as lavish as the Inaugural Luncheon but I am not about to loose focus from our low glycemic diet.


No, we didn’t start the day with dessert, as the heading picture might suggest, but by a healthy juice inspired by Dr. Ali’s breakfast protocole. Juicing is now part of our daily routine & due to a low glycemic diet I rarely include fruits; but today being a festive day I included a red grapefruit —25 on GI scale when banana scores 45 & watermelon 76— accompanied by bok choy, celery, parsley, fresh turmeric & ginger roots, dandelions. And after our 5K walk the Tasty Pearl Barley Pabulum hit the spot:


1 cup of cooked barley
1/4 green apple
cinnamon, roasted pumpkin seeds
moisten with home made almond milk.
Almond Milk:
Don’t get put off by homemade almond milk, it is actually quite simple & will serve two purpose here. To make the milk, soak 1/2 lb of organic almond in filtered water overnight. In the morning pour out the water, rinse almonds until the water runs clear. Add 1 quart of filtered water to the almond then process one ladle full of almonds & water at a time into the top of the juicer —I use a Vert VRT350 Juice & I am pretty happy with it. Reserve in bottle and save in the fridge. I do save  the meal that comes out on the other side. I dry it and use for many other recipe.

Inaugural Dunch


Garlic Roasted Turkey Breast with Organic NYS Red Merlot Beans

Preheat the oven to 320°.  Grate 2 cloves of garlic, add olive oil, salt & pepper. Rub this paste thoroughly all over the turkey breast. Put a ramequin of water into the oven; it will keep the meat moist. Roast the turkey breast in the oven until thermometer reaches 160°.

To mirror the many New York State items on the Inaugural Luncheon I cooked NYS Red Merlot beans —available at the Park Slope foodcoop. These wonderful beans have a thin skin, are creamy though stay firm throughout. 

1/2 lb of  Org. NYS Merlot beans (or other red bean) soaked over night, then brought to a  boil in fresh water once and let sit for one hour before using in stew (for some reason I think it makes them more digestible).

1 onion finely chopped, goldened in the pan with olive oil
2 ribs celery
Lightly toast pumpkin & cumin seeds in a cast iron pan, then grind in a coffee grinder — I have one that I use only for spices —& add to the beans .

Add 1 seeded jalapeño pepper & 2 cloves of chopped garlic
Salt & Pepper
Bring to a gentle boil, turn it down & let simmer for 2/3 hours.

Lemon Cheesecake Mousse with Coconut Almond cookies

The cookies are essentiel to make this tart, festive, deconstructed Low Glycemic cheesecake work.
The custard:
Ben’s Cream cheese
Warm the juice of 2 lemon (Meyer if possible) in a pan
add 1/2 packet plain gelatine
Stevia to taste
Blend cream cheese,  juice w/ melted gelatin/ stevia

The cookies:
1 1/2 cup of almond meal —saved form several batches of making almond milk
1/4 cup virgin coconut oil
Stevia to taste.
Mix, make the paste in a roll. Cut & bake  at 300° for about 25 minutes .


 Supper Time:

And while watching —& dancing to— the Presidential Inauguration Ball, we had Pierre’s delicious Belgium endive salad with Humbolt Fog goat creamy cheese & walnuts, dressed with a light mustard & olive oil vinaigrette.  And to finish on a sweet note we had a small serving of goat cheese yogurt with fresh ginger, walnut, stevia & a few blueberries. Now, if we did our calculation right it looks like our glycemic load for the day is about 52 —under 55 considered low. But please correct me if I am wrong, I am still in training!
